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Money Talks: Keep an Ace up your sleeve - My Ace was Americorps!

Hi, my name is Deja Johnson. I am an Americorp Alum, A Business Management major, and a proud Gateway U student. When I was introduced to Gateway U, I immediately knew this program was for me because of its affordability.

Money Talks: Keep an Ace up your sleeve - My Ace was Americorps!

Hi, my name is Deja Johnson. I am an Americorp Alum, A Business Management major, and a proud Gateway U student. When I was introduced to Gateway U, I immediately knew this program was for me because of its affordability.

You've finally finished your FAFSA application, and your EFC reads 0000. You immediately feel a sense of relief because those zeros mean you're eligible to receive your full pell grant package. Fast forward to the day you open your financial aid award letter, and you've only received a partial pell grant. All your feelings and reservations about college suddenly come back within seconds. "How am I going to pay for this...What am I going to do?"

Hi, my name is Deja Johnson. I am an Americorp Alum, A Business Management major, and a proud Gateway U student. When I was introduced to Gateway U, I immediately knew this program was for me because of its affordability. Though I work full time, my salary just isn't enough to financially support my education dreams. Gateway U was both cost-effective and supportive. However, as affordable as it is, for some students like myself pell grant doesn't cover enough. Fortunately, I did not have to use any loans or pay anything out of pocket because I had my Americorp Education Award ready for a day like this!

A couple of years ago, I started working for a nonprofit called Playworks. Through Playworks, I became an Americorps member. As an Americorps member, I completed 1700 hours of community service and was awarded an education award to help pay for school. My service helped me realize my passion for educating and helping others.  In 2017, my brothers and I created The Far-Lin Foundation to continue to my father's legacy of inspiring and empowering children to become their best selves. With my degree in Business Management from Southern New Hampshire University, my hope is to grow The Far-Lin Foundation to be a known non-profit nationwide. I would love to expand into schools as an afterschool program and build a renowned sports program. However, if we are able to assist in the development of one child’s journey, that would be rewarding enough!